
  • 2021
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PR 2021.08.02

U.S. outdoor brand WYLD GEAR to launch in Japan on July 30, 2021!
The company sells unique patented cooler boxes.

Ueni Trading Company Ltd. (Head office: Taito Ward, Tokyo. Representative Director: Masahiro Miyagami) will begin the sales of cooler boxes on July 30, 2021 (Fri.) as the Japanese distributor of one of America's representative outdoor brands, WYLD GEAR.

The roots of WYLD GEAR go back to 2017 in Wyoming, home of the famous Yellowstone National Park and Grand Teton National Park.

Under the slogan "To Make Your Adventure Last Longer," the company produces products that satisfy the craving of those who want to explore the world. The products are characterized by their tough, wild, and professional functionality that can withstand harsh conditions.

Cooler box
There are three cooler boxes available: 25Q, 50Q, and 75Q. On top of the professional designs and functionalities for different scenes, American-style colors are also available.

HARD COOLER 50Q uses patented dual compartment insulation technology.

Its dual compartment structure is convenient and can be separated into "drinks and food" or "day 1 food and day 2 food." Its usage is flexible. 市販のエアレーター(ブク)を付けることができる専用パーツを完備!!!Equipped with special parts that allow you to attach commercially available aerators!

2ℓペットボトルが縦に入る収納力!!! 余すとこなくスペースを有効活用!!!Spacious enough to fit a 2L plastic bottle! Make full use of the available space!フタ上部にドリンクホルダーとメジャー付き。
The outer section of the lid contains cup holders and a ruler for measuring.

自由にハンドルが取り外し可能。The handles are detachable.

大径のウィール付きでクーラーボックスに重たい荷物を詰め込んだときでも移動がスムーズ!!!Wheels with large diameters allow for easy movement, even if the cooler box is packed with heavy cargo!

別売りのロッドホルダーを装着すれば釣り竿を差し込むことも可能。釣りシーンでも大活躍!!!Separately sold rod holders allow you to insert your fishing rod. Great for fishing trips!

1 室につき1 つずつ排水口を完備!!!Each compartment has its own drain!

パックロットポートに鍵を取り付け可能。A lock can be attached to the pack lot port.


8 colors to choose from
Price: JPY 59,400 (JPY 63,800 for Wyoming Yellow)
Internal dimensions: Left side of logo (wheel side) approximately H33×L21×W30cm
Internal dimensions: Right side of logo approximately H33×L26×W30cm
External dimensions: Approximately H46×L71×W46cm
Weight: Approximately 15.3 ㎏
HARD COOLER 75Q is a large cooler box that combines the 25Q and 50Q hard cooler boxes.

8 colors to choose from
Price: JPY 79,200 (JPY 84,700 for Wyoming Yellow)

Internal dimensions: Left side of logo (wheel side) approximately H34×L48×W30cm
Internal dimensions: Right side of logo approximately H34×L23×W30cm
External dimensions: Approximately H46×L94×W46cm
Weight: Approximately 19.8kg
HARD COOLER 25Q can fit approximately six 2L plastic bottles.

8 colors to choose from
Price: JPY 35,200 (JPY 40,700 for Wyoming Yellow)
Internal dimensions: Approximately H36×L28×W26cm
External dimensions: Approximately H46×L44×W40cm
Weight: Approximately 9.5kg

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